NO | Authors | publication | journal | year |
78 | I. Bang, B. Kim*, J. Park, G. Kim | Integrated cutting stock and multi-period inventory optimization considering raw material–product eligibility for steel-pipe manufacturers | Applied Mathematical Modelling (SCIE). | 2025(In Press) |
77 | M. Sarkar, O. Kweon, B. Kim*, D.G. Choi, D.Y. Kim | Synergizing autonomous and traditional vehicles: A systematic review of advances and challenges in traffic-flow management with signalized intersections | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (SCIE) 25(12), 19203-19217. | Dec 1, 2024 |
76 | Jonghwa Lee, B. Kim*, J.H. Choi | Matheuristic algorithm for dock planning problems considering tandem and parallel methods in the shipbuilding industry | Computers and Industrial Engineering (SCIE) 196, 110472. | Aug 13, 2024 |
75 | S.Lee, M. Eom, B. Kim* | Two-stage algorithm for traffic signal optimization and web-service system development | IET Intelligent Transport Systems (SCIE), 1–19 . | July 26, 2024 |
74 | H. Park, B. Kim, D.G. Choi*, H. Kim, T. Kang, Y. Lee | Layer and length-deviation limit aware interposer routing for bend and wirelength minimization | IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (SCIE), 14(6), 993-1006, | June 29, 2024 |
73 | O. Kweon, B. Kim* | Many-to-many locomotive routing problem for the steel industry | International Journal of Production Research (SCIE), 62(23), 8373-8396. | Dec 1, 2024 |
72 | O. Kweon, B. Kim*, G. Lee, H. Im, C. Y. Chung, O. K. Lim | Parcel delivery network optimization problem considering multiple hubs and consolidation of small-sized parcels | Computers and Industrial Engineering (SCIE), 191, 110113. | May 1, 2024 |
71 | S. Lee, H. Kim, B. Kim*, M. Song, D. Lee, H. Ryu | Site and capacity selection for on-site production facilities in a nationwide hydrogen supply chain deployment plan | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (SCIE), 50(B), 968-987. | Jan 2, 2024 |
70 | Jonghwa. Lee, B. Kim*, S. Kim | A matheuristic algorithm for block assignment problem in long-term production planning in the shipbuilding industry | Computers and Industrial Engineering (SCIE), 184, 109603. | Oct 1, 2023 |
69 | I. Bang, B. Kim*, Y. Kim | Virtual grid layout with direction constraints for autonomous mobile robot routing performance improvement | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (SCIE), 128, 4653-4665. | Sep 2, 2023 |
68 | Jongsung Lee, B.Kim*, M. Nam | Novel method for welding gantry robot scheduling at shipyards | International Journal of Production Research (SCI), 61(17), 5842-5859. | Sep 1, 2023 |
67 | H. Ryu, D. Lee, J. Shin, M. Song*, S. Lee, H. Kim, B. Kim | A web-based decision support system (DSS) for hydrogen refueling station location and supply chain optimization | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (SCIE), 48(93), 36223-36239. | Dec 1, 2023 |
66 | I. Bang, B.Kim*,Y.Kim | Performance impact of dispatching and routing in an automated guided vehicle system | International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice (SCIE), 30(3), 522-535. | April 18, 2023 |
65 | M. Eom, B.Kim* | Combinatorial Benders decomposition for melted material blending systems considering transportation and scheduling | International Journal of Production Research (SCI), 61(10), 3481-3503 | May 19, 2023 |
64 | M. Lee, J. Hong, H. Kim, I. Bang, K. Lee*, B. Kim, J. Kim | An integrated batching problem for steel plate manufacturing with bi-strand casting | International Journal of Production Research (SCI). 61(3), 955-975 | Feb 1, 2023 |
63 | H.Kim, B. Kim* | Hybrid dynamic programming with bounding algorithm for the multi-profit orienteering problem | European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), 303(2), 550-566 | Dec 1, 2022 |
62 | Jonghwa Lee, B. Kim* | Mathematical models for a ship routing problem with a small number of ports on a route | Applied Mathematical Modelling (SCIE), Vol. 111, pp. 126-138. | Nov 1, 2022 |
61 | K. Park, J. Lim, W. Hwang, J. Park, M. Song*, B. Kim, J. G. Park, D. J. Choi | Ridesourcing in Manufacturing Sites with Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT): A Framework and Case Study | International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice (SCIE), 29(5),702-717. | Oct 17, 2022 |
60 | H.Kim, B. Kim* | Optimal sequence for single server scheduling incorporating a rate-modifying activity under job-dependent linear deterioration | European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), 298(2), 439-450. | April 16, 2022 |
59 | H. Kim, D. Thiel, B. Kim* | Exact algorithms for incremental deployment of hydrogen refuelling stations | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (SCIE), 46, 28760-28774. | August 13, 2021 |
58 | J. Park, B. Kim*, M. Eom, B. K. Choi | Operating room scheduling considering doctors' preferences and cooperative operations | Computers and Industrial Engineering (SCIE), 157, 107306. | July 1, 2021 |
57 | H. Kim, B.Kim*, D. Noh | The Multi-profit Orienteering Problem | Computers and Industrial Engineering (SCIE), 149, 106808. | November 1, 2020 |
56 | M. Eom, B.Kim* | The traffic signal control problem for intersections: a review | European Transport Research Review (SCIE), 12, 50 (2020). | September 17, 2020 |
55 | H. Kim, M. Eom, B.Kim* | Development of Strategic Hydrogen Refueling Station Deployment Plan for Korea | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (SCIE), 45(38), 19900-19911. DOI: | July 31, 2020 |
54 | J. Park, B.Kim* | Classification code assignment for a parcel distribution network | Computers and Industrial Engineering (SCIE), 144, 106447. | June 1, 2020 |
53 | I. K. Singgih, O. Yu, B. Kim*, J. Koo, S. Lee | Production scheduling problem in a factory of automobile component primer painting | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing(SCIE), 31(6), 1483-1496, | August 1, 2020 |
52 | I. K. Singgih, Jonghwa Lee, B. Kim* | Node and edge drone surveillance problem with consideration of required observation quality and battery replacement | IEEE Access (SCIE), 8(1), 44125-44139. | March 13, 2020 |
51 | H. Tae, B. Kim*, J. Park | Finding the nucleolus of the vehicle routing game with time windows | Applied Mathematical Modelling (SCIE), 80, 334-344. | April 1, 2020 |
50 | I. K. Singgih, B. Kim* | Multi-type electric vehicle relocation problem considering required battery-charging time | European Journal of Industrial Engineering (SCIE), 14(3), 335-368, DOI: 10.1504/EJIE.2020.10029682 | June 1, 2020 |
49 | C. H. Oh, M. H. Kim, B. Kim, Y. M. Ko* | An Efficient Building Evacuation Algorithm in Congested Networks | IEEE Access (SCIE), 7(1), 169480-169494 | December 1, 2019 |
48 | Y. Ki, B. Na*, B. Kim | Travel time prediction-based routing algorithms for automated highway systems | IEEE Access (SCIE), 7(1), 121709-121718 | December 1, 2019 |
47 | Y. Ki, B.Kim* | Mass-customized outpatient appointment rule generator | International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice (SCIE), Vol.26, No.2, pp. 104-122 | June 26, 2019 |
46 | Y. Ki, B. Kim*, Y.M. Ko, H. Jeong, J. Koo | Charging Scheduling Problem of an M-to-N Electric Vehicle Charger | Applied Mathematical Modelling (SCIE), Vol.63, pp. 603-614 | December 1, 2018 |
45 | D. Noh, B. Kim*, H. Cho, J. Park | A multi-leg load-planning algorithm for a high-speed freight train | International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice (SCIE), Vol.23, No. 3, pp. 183-194 | Oct 17, 2016 |
44 | D. Noh, J. Koo, B. Kim | An efficient partially dedicated strategy for evacuation of a heterogeneous population | Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (SCIE), Vol. 62, pp. 157-165 | March 1, 2016 |
43 | B. Kim*, Y. Ki, D. Son, B. Bae, J. Park | An algorithm for a cutting problem in window frame production | International Journal of Production Research (SCI), Vol.54, No. 14. pp. 4327-4339 | July 15, 2016 |
42 | J. Koo*, B. Kim | Some comments on “Optimization of production scheduling with time-dependent an machine-dependent electricity cost for industrial energy efficiency” | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (SCIE), Vol.86,No.9,pp.2803-2806 | October 1, 2016 |
41 | J.Lee, B.Kim* | Industrial Ship Routing Problem with Split Delivery and Two Types of Vessels | Expert Systems with Applications (SCIE), Vol. 42, No. 22, pp. 9012-9023 ( ) | December 1, 2015 |
40 | H. Tae, B.Kim* | A multiple-starting-path approach to the resource constrainted k-th elementary shortest path problem | Mathematical Problems in Engineering (SCIE), Volume 2015, Article ID 803135, 7 pages ( | March 24, 2015 |
39 | H. Tae, B.Kim* | A branch-and-price approach for the team orienteering problem with time windows | International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice (SCIE), Vol.22, No. 2, pp. 243-251 | April 15, 2015 |
38 | K. Kim, B. Kim*, H. Cho | Multiple-choice knapsack-based heuristic algorithm for the two-stage, two-dimensional cutting stock problem in the paper industry | International Journal of Production Research(SCI), Vol. 52, No. 19, pp. 5675-5689 | October 1, 2014 |
37 | J. Lee, B.Kim*, A. Johnson, K. Lee | The Nuclear Medicine Production and Delivery Problem | European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), Vol.236, No.3, pp. 461-472 | August, 2014 |
36 | J. Koo, B. Kim, Y. S. Kim | Estimating the Effects of Mental Disorientation and Physical Fatigue in a Semi-panic Evacuation | Expert Systems with Applications (SCIE), Vol.41. No.5, pp. 2379-2390 | April, 2014 |
35 | H. Tae, B.Kim* | Feeder Re-Assign Problem in a Surface Mount Device with a Piano-Type Multi-Headed Gantry | Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, vol. 12, no.4, pp.330-335 | December, 2013 |
34 | J. Lee, B. Kim*, A.L. Johnson | A two-dimensional bin packing problem with size changeable items for the production of wind turbine flanges in the open die forging industry | IIE Transactions (SCI), Vol.45, No.12, pp.1332-1344 (Honorable Mention, IIE Transactions 2015 Best Paper Award for Focused Issue on Design and Manufacturing) | December, 2013 |
33 | J. Wy, B. Kim* | A hybrid metaheuristic approach for the rollon-rolloff vehicle routing problem | Computers and Operations Research(SCIE), Vol.40, No.8, pp.1947-1952 | August, 2013 |
32 | B. Kim*, H. Li, A.L. Johnson | An augmented large neighborhood search method for solving the team orienteering problem | Expert Systems with Application (SCIE), Vol.40, No.8, pp.3065-3072 | June 15, 2013 |
31 | J. Wy, B. Kim*, S. Kim | The rollon-rolloff waste collection vehicle routing problem with time windows | European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), Vol. 224, pp.466-476 | February 1, 2013 |
30 | J. Koo, Y.S. Kim*, B. Kim, K.M. Christensen | A Comparative Study of Evacuation Strategies for People with Disabilities in High-rise Building Evacuation | Expert Systems with Applications (SCIE), Vol. 40, No.2, pp. 408–417 | February 1, 2013 |
29 | J. Koo, Y.S. Kim, B. Kim* | Estimating the Impact of Residents with Disabilities on the Evacuation in a High-rise Building: A Simulation Study | Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (SCIE), Vol. 24, No. 1, 71-83 | May, 2012 |
28 | B. Kim*, S. Son | A probability matrix based particle swarm optimization for the capacitated vehicle routing problem | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (SCIE), Vol. 23, No. 4, 1119-1126 | August, 2012 |
27 | B. Kim*, S. Kim, J. Park | A school bus scheduling problem | European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), Vol. 218, No. 2, 577-585 | April 16, 2012 |
26 | Y. Jun, B. Kim* | New best solutions to VRPSPD benchmark problems by a perturbation based algorithm | Expert Systems with Applications (SCIE), Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 5641-5648 | April, 2012 |
25' | J.Park, H.Tae, B.Kim* | Corrigendum to "Post-improvement procedure for the mixed load school bus routing problem" [EJOR 217 (1) 204-213] | European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), Vol 226, No. 3, pp.661-662 | May 1, 2013 |
25 | J. Park, H. Tae, B. Kim* | A Post-improvement Procedure for the Mixed Load School Bus Routing Problem | European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), Vol. 217, No. 1, pp. 204-213 | February, 2012 |
24 | J.Wy, S.Jeong, B.Kim*, J.Park, J.Shin , H. Yoon, S.Lee | A data-driven generic simulation model for logistics embedded assembly manufacturing lines | Computers & Industrial Engineering (SCIE), Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 138-147 | February, 2011 |
23 | B. Kim*, J. Koo, H.T. Sambhajirao | A simplified steel plate stacking problem | International Journal of Production Research (SCI), Vol. 49, No. 17, 5133-5151 | September, 2011 |
22 | B. Kim , S. Chang* , J. Chang , Y. Han , J. Koo , K. Lim , J. Shin , S. Jeong , W. Kwak | Scheduling of raw-material unloading from ships at a steelworks | Production Planning & Control (SCIE), Vol. 22, No. 4, 389-402 | June, 2011 |
21 | B. Na, Y. Jun, B. Kim* | Some Extensions to the Sweep Algorithm | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (SCIE), Vol. 56, No. 9, pp. 1057-1067 | October, 2011 |
20 | B. Kim*, J. Koo, and J. Park | The combined manpower-vehicle routing problem for multi-staged services | Expert Systems with Applications (SCIE), vol. 37, no.12, pp 8424-8431 | December, 2010 |
19 | B. Kim* and J. Wy | Last two fit augmentation to the well-known construction heuristics for one-dimensional bin packing problem: an empirical study | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(SCIE), Vol. 50, No. 9-12, pp. 1145-1152 | October, 2010 |
18 | J. Wy and B. Kim* | Two-staged guillotine cut, two-dimensional bin packing optimisation with flexible bin size for steel mother plate design | International Journal of Production Research (SCI), Vol. 48, No. 22, pp. 6799 - 6820 | November, 2010 |
17 | B. Kim* | Some comments on Chen et al "Production scheduling optimization algorithm for the hot rolling processes" | International Journal of Production Research (SCI), Vol. 48, No. 7, pp. 2165-2167 | April 1, 2010 |
16 | J. Park and B. Kim* | The School Bus Routing Problem: A Review | European Journal of Operational Research (SCIE), vol. 202, no. 2, pp 311-319 | April, 2010 |
15 | B. Kim* and J. Park | Idle vehicle circulation policies in a semiconductor FAB | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (SCIE), Vol.20, No.6, pp. 709-717 | December, 2009 |
14 | B. Kim*, J. Shin , and J. Chae | Simple blocking prevention for bay type path-based automated material handling systems | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(SCIE), vol. 44, no.7/8, pp.809-816 | October, 2009 |
13 | B. Kim* , J. Shin , S. Jeong and J. Koo | Effective overhead hoist transport dispatching based on the Hungarian algorithm for a large semiconductor FAB | International Journal of Production Research (SCI), Vol. 47, No. 10, pp. 2823-2834 | May 15, 2009 |
12 | B. Kim* , S. Jeong , J. Shin , J. Koo , J. Chae, S. Lee | A layout-and data-driven generic simulation model for semiconductor fabs | IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing (SCI), Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 225-231 | May, 2009 |
11 | B. Kim* , J.Koo , and B.S. Park | A raw material storage yard allocation problem for a large scale steelworks | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology(SCIE),vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 880-884 | April, 2009 |
10 | B. Kim* and S. Jeong | A comparison of algorithms for origin–destination matrix generation on real road networks and an approximation approach | Computers and Industrial Engineering (SCIE), Vol. 56, No.1, pp. 70-76 | February, 2009 |
9 | B. Kim* , S. Oh, J. Shin , M. Jung, J. Chae, S. Lee | Effectiveness of Vehicle Reassignment in a Large Scale Overhead Hoist Transport System | International Journal of Production Research (SCI), vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 789-802 | 2007 |
8 | W. Seo, S. Lee, K. Kim*, B. Kim , and J. Lee | Product data interoperability based on layered reference ontology | LNCS(SCIE), Volume 4185, pp. 573-587 | 2006 |
7 | B. Kim* , S. Kim and S. Sahoo | Waste Collection Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows | Computers & Operations Research,(SCIE) vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 3624-3642 | 2006 |
6 | S. Sahoo, S. Kim, B. Kim* , B. Kraas, and A. Popov Jr. | Routing Optimization for Waste Management (The special issue for 2004 Franz Edelman Award for Management Science Achievement Competition) | Interfaces(SCIE), Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 24-36 | January-February, 2005 |
5 | B. Kim , S. S. Heragu*, R. J. Graves and A. St. Onge | A Hybrid Scheduling and Control Architecture for Warehouse Management | IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation(SCI) vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 991-1001 | 2003 |
4 | B. Kim , S. S. Heragu*, R. J. Graves and A. St. Onge | Clustering-based order-picking sequence algorithm for an automated warehouse | International Journal of Production Research (SCI), vol. 41, no. 15, pp. 3445-3460 | 2003 |
3 | B. Kim , S. S. Heragu*, R. J. Graves, and A. St. Onge | Realization of a Short Cycle Time in Warehouse Replenishment and Order Picking | International Journal of Production Research(SCI), vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 349-364 | 2003 |
2 | B. Kim , R. J. Graves, S. S. Heragu* and A. St. Onge | Intelligent agent modeling of an industrial warehousing problem | IIE Transactions (SCI), vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 601-612 | 2002 |
1 | S. S. Heragu*, R. J. Graves, B. Kim and A. St. Onge | Intelligent agent based framework for manufacturing systems control | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Part A(SCI), vol. 32, no.5, pp. 560-573 | 2002 |