DATE | publication |
2025.01.01 | Byung-In Kim, Memeber of NAEK (the National Academy of Engineering of Korea) (김병인: 한국공학한림원 정회원) |
2023.11.28 | Byung-In Kim, Letter of Appreciation (Samsung Heavy Industries) (김병인: 삼성중공업 감사장) |
2022.10.28 | Byung-In Kim, Best Reviewer Award, The Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society (KORMS) (김병인: 최우수심사위원상) |
2022.02.11 | Hyunjoon Kim, Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award, Industrial & Management Engineering, POSTECH (최우수 학위논문상) |
2021.01.01 | Byung-In Kim, Associate Memeber of NAEK (the National Academy of Engineering of Korea) (김병인: 한국공학한림원 일반회원) |
2020.11.13 | Byung-In Kim, Internalization Award, KIIE (김병인: 대한산업공학회 제7회 국제화상 수상) |
2019.12.03 | APIEMS(Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society) Fellow |
2018.08.23 | Byung-In Kim, POSCO Smart Innovation Award, POSCO (김병인: POSCO Smart 혁신상) |
2017.04.25 | Byung-In Kim, Active Teacher Award, POSTECH |
2017.04.22 | Byung-In Kim, Marquis Who's Who The 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis "Lifetime Achievement Award" |
2015.06.01 | Byung-In Kim, Jongsung Lee, Honorable Mention, IIE Transactions 2015 Best Paper Award for Focused Issue on Design and Manufacturing |
2014.02.15 | Juyoung Wy, Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award, Industrial & Management Engineering, POSTECH (최우수 학위논문상) |
2013.11.15 | Byung-In Kim, Youngmin Ki, Jaesang Park (with Byungjoo Bae, Donghee Son, Hoyong Chang, Hyungjin Kim), an Excellence Award on KIIE 5th Industry-Academic Collaboration Competition, (김병인, 기영민, 박재상: 대한산업공학회 제5회 산학협력프로젝트 경진대회 우수상) |
2013.11.02 | Byung-In Kim, Hyun-Woo Management Science Prize, KORMS (김병인, 현우경영과학상, 한국경영과학회) |
2012.11.02 | Hong Li, Best Paper Award, KIIE (Hong Li: 대한산업공학회 석사논문경진대회 대상 수상) |
2011.10.05 | 이기호 제9회 SAS 마이닝 챔피언십 금상 수상 |
2010.11.30 | 태현철, 박준혁, 제2회 대학(원)생 지식서비스 연구공모전 우수상 수상 |
2010.11.06 | Hyunchul Tae, Best Paper Award: Master Thesis, KIIE, (태현철: 대한산업공학회 석사논문경진대회 우수 논문상 수상) |
2010.11.06 | Byung-In Kim, Jongsung Lee (with Namsik Park), The Grand Prize (winner) on KIIE 2nd Industry-Academic Collaboration Competition, (김병인, 이종성: 대한산업공학회 제2회 산학협력프로젝트 경진대회 대상) |
2009.10.21 | Byung-In Kim(with Sooyoung Chang), 2009 ICOVACS(International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability) GE Best paper award |
2009.10.09 | Byung-In Kim, Junhyuk Park (with Seongbae Kim, Surya Sahoo), The Grand prize on KIIE 1st Industry Academic Collaboration Competition (김병인, 박준혁: 대한산업공학회 제1회 산학협력프로젝트 경진대회 대상) 2009.02.13 구정인, 2008 캠퍼스 특허전략 유니버시아드 특허전략수립부문 가작 수상 |
2009.02.13 | 구정인, 2008 캠퍼스 특허전략 유니버시아드 특허전략수립부문 가작 수상 |
2008.11.08 | Juyoung Wy, Best Paper Award, KIIE (위주영: 대한산업공학회 석사논문경진대회 최우수 논문상 수상) |
2004. 04 | Byung-In KIm (with Seongbae Kim, Surya Sahoo, and Waste Management, Inc.) 2004 Franz Edelman Finalist Award, INFORMS |
2003. 05 | Byung-In Kim, The Del and Ruth Karger Dissertation Prize, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |